Request for Quotations from Information System Audit firms to conduct IS Audit and Cyber Security Audit Short Tender Notice for Refilling of Fire Extinguishers Sealed Quotations are Invited for Printing and Supply of Forms and Applications Tender Inviting for Contruction of Bank Building At Addanki Bank Site Tender Notices for Outsourcing Staff Procedures for claiming unclaimed Deposits inoperative accounts NOTIFICATION FOR CONDUCTING CONCURRENT AUDIT OF THE BANK FOR F.Y.2024-25 Short Tender Notice For Refilling of Fire Extinguishers SHORT TENDER NOTICE FOR PASSBOOK,MULTI FUNCTION AND DEPOSIT PRINTER SHORT TENDER NOTICE FOR UPS AND BATTERIES

Branch Managers & Phone Numbers

                 Branch Addresses & Phone Numbers
S.No Branch Code Branch Name Contact No
1 801 Central Office 8886332003
2 802 Addanki 9704660262
3 803 B.Nidamnuru 9704660263
4 804 Bestavaripeta 9704660264
5 805 Chimakurthy 9704660266
6 806 Chirala 9704660265
7 807 Darsi 9704660267
8 808 Giddaluru 9704660268
9 809 Inkollu 9704660256
10 810 Kandukur 9704660271
11 811 Kanigiri 9704660270
12 812 Karamchedu 8886332004
13 813 Kondepi 9704660272
14 814 Kurichedu 9704660273
15 815 Kurnool Road 9704660275
16 816 Lawyer Pet 9704660276
17 817 M. Nidamaluru 9704660278
18 818 Markapur 9704660279
19 819 Martur 9704660277
20 820 Pamuru 9704660281
21 821 Parchoor 9704660280
22 822 Podili 9704660282
23 823 Ravinuthala 9704660283
24 824 Santhamaguluru 9704660285
25 825 Singaraya konda 9704660284
26 826 Tangutur 9704660287
27 827 Town Branch 9704660286
28 828 Uppugundur 9704660288
29 829 Yerragondapalem 9704660289
30 830 Talluru(East Gangavaram) 9491396463
31 831 Mundlamuru 8465840779
32 832 Dornala 9573260106
33 833 Tarlupadu 9490382674
34 834 Tripuranthakam 9640141001
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